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                                                                                                                   Poly High 63

  We are forever linked in a tapestry of memories imbued with the innocence, naivete and energy of youth. Many would say our three years at Polytechnic High School were our best years. We blossomed there, testing and pushing past boundaries, exploring limits and setting new ones as our nation did the same. We received an exemplary public education and left "our own dear high school" glowing with hope and possibility.

   It was a time of growth and privilege, abundance and optimism, all dearly earned by our forefathers who laid a foundation through struggle and sacrifice. The Civil War and The Great Depression, then two global wars resulting in unequaled military strength and national confidence. We have met challenges of our own. We are part of this legacy of achievement.

   Ever grateful for Mr. T's (Thompson) words "Remember who you are and where you're from," we have put what we learned to good use and are passing the torch of leadership to new generations, some of whom had or will have the privilege of attending our stately school on the hill.

   Poly is about people, not just a building. Thousands of miles may separate us but the precious memories of our Poly years unite us with a growing love and devotion. May we continue growing closer, strengthening that bond and may God bless Poly.


Written by Monty Heying (Class of 63)

"Remember who you are and where you're from."

-C.A. Thompson

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